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Latest Articles (2023/24)
Suspected exertional heat stroke; A case study of worker cooling in a hot and humid environment
Examining the Heat Health Burden in Australia: A Rapid Review
The relative value of sociocultural and infrastructural adaptations to heat in a very hot climate in northern Australia: a case time series of heat-associated mortality
A Systematic Review of Post-Work Core Temperature Cooling Rates Conferred by Passive Rest
Climate Change Effects on the Predicted Heat Strain and Labour Capacity of Outdoor Workers in Australia
All Articles
The relative value of sociocultural and infrastructural
adaptations to heat in a very hot climate in
northern Australia: a case time series of heat-associated mortality
A Systematic Review of Post-Work Core Temperature Cooling Rates Conferred by Passive Rest
Climate Change Effects on the Predicted Heat Strain and Labour Capacity of Outdoor Workers in Australia
Indicators to assess physiological heat strain - Part 1: Systematic review
Indicators to assess physiological heat strain - Part 2: Delphi exercise
Indicators to assess physiological heat strain - Part 3: Multi-country field evaluation and consensus recommendations
Heat health management in a quarantine and isolation facility in the tropics
Impacts and implications of heat exposure in the Australian workplace
COVID-19 and thermoregulation-related problems: Practical recommendations
Influence of age, geographical region and work unit on heat strain symptoms: a cross-sectional survey of electrical utility workers
Assembling a thermal rhythmanalysis: Energetic flows, heat stress and polyrhythmic interactions in the context of climate change
The impact of perceived heat stress symptoms on work-related tasks and social factors: A cross-sectional survey of Australia's Monsoonal North
Are Recommended Heat Stroke Treatments Adequate for Australian Workers?
Beyond Threshold Approaches to Extreme Heat: Repositioning Adaptation as Everyday Practice
From Skin to Strategy: Repositioning the Terrain and Temporality of Heat Stress through Social Practices
Should Workers Avoid Consumption of Chilled Fluids in a Hot and Humid Climate?
Heat, health, and humidity in Australia's monsoon tropics: a critical review of the problematization of ‘heat’ in a changing climate
Regional Disparities in Apprentice Attrition Rates: Heat and Quarter Four's Significance in Northern Australia
Characteristics of trauma mortality in the Northern Territory, Australia
The Case for Heat Acclimatization of Disaster Responders - An Australian Perspective
Perception or reality: Can thermal perceptions inform management of firefighters in the heat?
Influence of Chronic Heat Acclimatization on Occupational Thermal Strain in Tropical Field Conditions
A Six-Step Framework on Biomedical Signal Analysis for Tackling Noncommunicable Diseases: Current and Future Perspectives
Cooling Methods to Prevent Heat-Related Illness in the Workplace
Pre-deployment Heat Acclimatization Guidelines for Disaster Responders
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